25 January 2012

My Muse

I have a fetish for watching the spandex-clad minions in Japanese live action shows get beat up, defeated, destroyed, or otherwise incapacitated. And I have no desire to change this.

When I think of all the folks I've come across in real life who share this fetish with me, the number totals 0. The Internet, where aficionados of all interests, common and obscure, may come together, the number still doesn't quite get to double digits.

So my posts on such things are, more or less, limited to a readership of one—myself—give or take a couple other interested parties. This blog came about as a place to voice my vice, to help cope with workplace arousal (it doesn't need to be on a computer screen to be NSFW), and vent my sexual frustration. Granted, I'm not sexually frustrated so much as frustrated that I'm not having sex. ;-)

If it existed as a minion, grunt, or lackey in Power Rangers, Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, Metal Hero, or any other type of series, I'll talk about it here, and shed some light on why they get me up the way they do. And perhaps sway you to the dark side as well. >:-)


  1. I thought I was the only one. I'm kinda happy to know there's someone else out there.

    1. Certainly not alone. Lol. We're just few and far between is all.

  2. me too.... my fav is orgettes in gaoranger

    1. I do like the Orgettes. :) In particular, when they show them "bleeding" whatever sludge they're made of. ;-)

  3. Great, i'm from France and like the same thing. It's crazy. And I like zentaï of course. Sorry for my English. I will read your blog and try to make progress in English, but Google help me ;)
    You don't create a forum for discussion on this topic ?

    1. Thanks, Alex. :-)

      Do you think I should start a forum? I did not think there would be enough interest to keep it active.
